There was a time when I was not familiar with the word called “Motivation”. When one of my friends gave me a motivational video; Guess which video it was? it was the last life-changing seminar of Sandeep Maheswari. I have watched that video clip and it was around one and a half hours of videos. 

    (  Stop Watching Motivational Videos Over and Over Again - Sandeep Maheshwari Videos )

I could not blink my eyes while watching that videos and trust me guys I was so happy. While watching that video life seemed to be easy I made a plan to build my career once again. I had Properly Planned everything and set my Goal and tried my best to achieve my short term goal. After continuing my work few months according to plan I could not make it. Then set another plan to do and also failed. I felt very heartbroken and I thought to stop watching this kind of motivational videos. I thought I had wasted my time. But, after a few days, I realized that I had not wasted my time actually I have solved one of my biggest issues. Most of the time I was worried about my future.  Nowadays I am living in the Present Moment and I am not that much thinking about my future. I have learnt a few things after watching so many videos of him over and over again. Before that, I was a guy who had spent most of the time predicting the worst future.  But nowadays I am not watching These videos because already I have learnt how to be happy and how to live in the present moment  and how to get rid of overthinking.

Nowadays you can see many so-called motivational speakers are doing business and they have done nothing in their life. But what they are doing is forcing us to follow them on social media and subscribe to their YouTube channel. After watching a few motivational videos and reading motivational books you don’t need to watch premium videos on the internet and attend any seminars. Successful Person doesn’t wait to motivate themselves they ignore motivational videos and start working.  Many People only live in the dream while sleeping but the real dream will not let you sleep. So stop thinking and start doing. Watching motivational videos will not change anything until you have not taken any steps to achieve your goal.